
Some things go together, like books and chocolate. Green tea and storms. Beaches and throwback music. Crying and dog-cuddling. Contractions and apostrophes. 

Mandy is an author and freelance writer living on the Gold Coast, Australia. She goes nicely with glass of champagne and a pair of toe socks.

She’s previously worked as a television journalist, as a corporate broadcast producer for brands such as Disneyland, Adidas and Virgin Atlantic, and as a political media advisor.

One memorable night in Hong Kong, Mandy and two friends pretended to be a famous British pop group called ‘3Sweat’. Much to the group’s horror, a local club owner attempted to book them … Mandy writes much better than she sings.

For warm fuzzies, Mandy marvels at sunsets, walks her slobber-chopped boxer, Captain, and plays Scrabble with her family.

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